Resources In Your State

The following directory contains links to individual State Social and Human Services departments for each of the fifty states. Each state office provides a different range of services and can inform you of helpful programs specific to your state. These services are generally free of charge. Click on your state's link to learn more about services available to you in your area.

Alabama Dept of Human Services
Alaska Dept of Human & Social Services
Arizona Dept of Health Services
Arkansas Dept of Health and Human Services
California Dept of Social Services
Canada Debt Consolidation
Colorado Dept of Human Services
Connecticut Dept of Social Services
Delaware Dept of Health and Social Services
Florida Dept of Health and Human Services
Georgia Dept of Human Resources
Hawaii Dept of Human Services
Idaho Dept of Health and Welfare
Illinois Dept of Human Services
Indiana Dept of Family and Social Services
Iowa Dept of Human Services
Kansas Dept of Social and Rehabilitative Services
Kentucky Dept of Health and Social Services
Louisiana Dept of Social Services
Maine Dept of Social Services
Maryland Dept of Human Resources
Massachusetts Dept of Health and Human Services
Michigan Dept of Human Services
Minnesota Dept of Human Resources
MississippiDept of Human Services
Missouri Dept of Human Services
Montana Dept of Public Health and Human Services
Nebraska Dept of Health and Human Services
Nevada Dept of Health and Human Services
New Hampshire Dept of Health and Human Services
New Jersey Dept of Human Services
New Mexico Dept of Human Services
New York Dept of Family Assistance
North Carolina Dept of Health and Human Services
North Dakota Dept of Human Services
Ohio Dept of Job and Family Services
Oklahoma Dept of Human Services
Oregon Dept of Human Services
Pennsylvania Dept of Human Services
Rhode Island Dept of Human Services
South Carolina Dept of Health and Human Services
South Dakota Dept of Health and Human Services
Tennessee Dept of Human Services
Texas Dept of Social Services and Human Services
Utah Dept of Human Services
Vermont Dept of Children and Family Services
Virginia Dept of Social Services
Washington Dept of Social and Health Services
Washington, DC Dept of Human Services
West Virginia Dept of Health and Human Services
Wisconsin Dept of Health and Family Services
Wyoming Dept of Family Services

Budget Planners can be found all across the USA